How PPC Advertising for Lawyers Pays Off

Pay-per-click, or PPC advertising, is a savvy way to gain some serious traction online.

This highly targeted form of paid search Internet advertising can pinpoint prospective clients to drive targeted traffic directly to your legal site. Attorneys only pay when someone “clicks through.” PPC works as a complement to TV advertising and even as a stand-alone Internet marketing investment for lawyers with smaller or stretched budgets.

There are three key reasons why PPC for lawyers is worth considering:

It’s fast and flexible.

It’s targeted and tangible.

It’s driven by results and ROI.

Let’s dive into these benefits so you can see how pay-per-click really pays off.

It’s fast and flexible.

By fast, we mean if your PPC ad posts today and you could see pay off immediately through increased traffic to your website. With PPC for lawyers, attorneys can competitively bid so more people see their ad near the top of a search-results page. Statistics consistently prove that the higher up ads appear, the better click-through rate (people who see your ad and actually click on it) they earn. As you dial in this scientific method further with your legal marketing partner, the more your ads will appear. Likewise, because of the speed and impermanence of the Web, law firms can change ad text at any time, testing and adjusting around the keywords that are resonating (encouraging click-through) best for different audiences. This flexibility is nearly unmatched in traditional advertising.

It’s targeted and tangible.

As your law firm continues to articulate its ideal client, paid search campaigns can target with remarkable precision this person through keyword development (the words and phrases people type in a search engine when looking for a specific type of attorney, for example) and exclusive PPC landing pages designed to drive people to your firm’s website. To attract the most qualified client, you can hone PPC strategy further by location, time, language, gender and other analytics tied to consumer behavior on the Internet. What’s even better is lawyers can see tangible results straightaway. Through specialized PPC management tools for lawyers, you can now see how people click on your optimized ads, follow through to your website and, ideally, take the next step to convert to a case.

Bonus: PPC ads can also generate calls for free! By placing a phone number in the ad, people are able to call without actually clicking on it. However, make sure to use a unique number – or track line – so you can trace the lead back to your PPC campaign!

It’s all about results and ROI.

Lawyers, not unlike other service professionals, like it when advertising results are directly tied to investment; a measure that’s trickier in traditional advertising. In PPC for attorneys, ad- and traffic-tracking tools like Google Analytics actually measure minute-by-minute what’s working in an online campaign and what’s not. The way to realize true ROI in PPC advertising is to do a quick calculation based on click-through rate and conversion. Good CTR for a PPC ad campaign starts at about 1% and up. A solid conversation rate (website visitors who “convert” by taking action to contact your firm, for example, to request a free consultation) starts closer to 2%. Some quick math using the most conservative rates shows that about 5,000 people need to see your ad to generate a qualified lead.

Ready to learn more about how PPC can work for your law firm? We’re here to answer all your questions about pay-per-click. Just click here or call us today (888) 461-1016.  

Why Content Equals Authenticity in Law Firm Marketing

A quality content strategy is key to beating the competition.

Let’s face it: As a whole, one of the legal industry’s greatest challenges is getting past some damaging stereotypes about attorneys.

Your law firm’s marketing goal?

Stand away and apart from this type of competition. Top attorneys are learning that one of the smartest ways to do this is by building a solid pipeline of quality content that’s both informative and engaging, and leveraging it through your website, social platforms and database.

Why? Because this form of thought leadership actually works. Sharing content on topics that your lawyers know about deeply—and your prospective clients care about deeply—serves to build trust and boost your brand, reputation and authority in your legal niche. Oh, and it doesn’t hurt that search engines now reward the best-quality, most relevant content, helping your firm get found on the Web and users to stay on your site longer. (Hint: That usually leads to phone calls. And, ideally, paying cases.)

The problem is lawyers do law, not content, and they often don’t know where to start. In fact, one recent study by American Lawyer Media Legal Intelligence, The Zeughauser Group and Greentarget proved this very point: 84 percent of law firms said they expected to produce more content during the year, but just a quarter of surveyed firms said they had a written content marketing plan, and only 29 percent had a professional managing content development.

So where do law firms start?

Content marketing for lawyers takes a measured approach—but, then again, attorneys are pretty darn good at crossing “T” s and dotting “I”s already. Here are a few ways to gain some momentum in your content marketing efforts:

Gather stakeholders. If team members are too busy to create content internally in a consistent, dedicated way, pinpoint your “experts” on certain topics and outsource your writing to a professional. A content development partner can create original content in a conversational voice for your law firm, interview key stakeholders when necessary and make your content sing—while your attorneys focus on law.

Aim for variety. No one will come back for more if every blog, e-blast or piece of content is the same. Variety is critical and also allows you to test what works best for your audience. Posts can be “newsjacks” (adding your own perspective and spin to a recent legal case, for example); short form (bulleted tips for selecting a good accident attorney); or long form like an in-depth white paper or case study, a form of content marketing gaining strong traction in SEO).

Upcycle your efforts. The rule of thumb is each piece of content can be leveraged up to four times. A content marketing expert can help you rework an eCRM topic into a blog post into a “likeable” Facebook update into a compelling LinkedIn article. Save time, money and resources by upcycling content and increasing the chance of your content being shared by others.

Monitor the mission. If you’re putting effort into creating content to engage with your audiences, generate website traffic and build new leads, you’ve got to monitor your progress. Get your Google Analytics and SEO statisticians in line; see what your clients are saying about your legal counsel; and be open to change and adjusting for constant improvement.

To find out what Network Affiliates can do for your content marketing efforts, give us a call! Speak with one of our experts and get a FREE, confidential marketing evaluation. What are you waiting for?

Posted in SEO

The True Story of Attorney Television Advertising on a Budget

Despite what you may have heard, TV advertising is accessible—even for lawyers operating on slim margins.

However, making your advertising dollars go further requires a smarter, more pinpointed media strategy. Since you can’t bully your way into the market by buying up copious ad spaces and airtime, your challenge as an attorney with a small budget is two-fold.

Mastering your message

Hone your brand message so it’s both concise and perfectly targeted for your audience, rather than repeating previously popular but now unfounded tactics of focusing on how superior your lawyers are, how many big cases and settlements your firm was won, and over-generalizing to the saturation point. This will make viewers tune out or turn you off altogether.

Take a deeper dive into understanding your real clientele and mutual pain points. What do prospective clients really care about in life—and in a lawyer? Are they really looking to make history as the biggest payout in the firm’s history, or are they more concerned with finding a lawyer who is going to listen, remain responsive, and make it easy to work with throughout the lifespan of a case? Surprise, it’s the latter.

Work on making your advertising message unique to your firm by defining your exclusive differentiators (what do you consistently do better!) and addressing your clients’ real-world needs. If that message is distinctly different from the competition (even larger firms with deeper pockets) and speaks directly to what your prospective clients might be feeling, grappling with and trying to understand when choosing an attorney, it will quickly take you out of the mediocre legal media milieu and set your firm apart.

Remixing your media buy

Small media budgets require creative, strategic-thinking media buyers who can survey the competition and get your message to the right people right when they’re tuned in to the TV. That might mean focusing on one demographic and one message, or buying a single station in your market and dominating those niche airwaves with a powerful message and local call to action.

Finding the media mix to maximize your limited attorney TV advertising budget will also require tying up lose ends after you get the message out to a targeted audience. Make sure your stations are tracking your exact spend with a post-buy media analysis—how many people you are reaching for what you are buying.

Likewise, what are you doing with TV leads that do come directly from your targeted advertising campaign? Work on buttoning up your firm’s intake process in a more accountable way. After all, even if you get one call, what’s measurable is what your firm made of the call. Did it convert to a case?

Attorney television advertising can be striped down to message and media mix. Take a direct and strategic approach to marketing your firm on TV, and you may find that your budget is can stretch in some surprisingly creative ways.

Find out what Network Affiliates can do for you. Give us a call, speak with an expert and get a FREE, confidential marketing evaluation 303-817-7313 .

Ranking Is Still Important, But There Are Other Factors As Well

Instead focus your efforts on what really brings qualified leads

In the world of search engine optimization, it used to be that keywords were king. Stuffing website content with specific highly searched terms was the way to rank higher on search-page results and attempt to pull in more traffic to your website.

Not anymore. SEO is moving away from keywords as a primary ranking factor. Search engines are shifting priorities to a more complex and dynamic ranking system called semantic search — which determines the intent and contextual meaning for search queries. For law firm SEO, that means duping the system with keyword overload is done; now it’s the quality of your content that will serve your site best.

What’s critical is how relevant your content is. This creates both a challenge and an opportunity for law firms around the country. Yes, it will require modifying content on your website and digital marketing campaigns, but it could also create a leg up against the competition if you do an SEO overhaul right—and do it now.

Shifting from a keyword-concentrated to a semantic search content strategy requires a shift in thinking about SEO for law firms.

Try to ignore rank: Ranking may temporarily boost ego, but isn’t necessarily the end goal for attorneys. The end goal is using content marketing to generate more quality leads.

Add more meaning: If content is meaningful to the end user, Google now recognizes that value. This explains why keyword padding has gone by the wayside—it is of no significance to the end user.

Ratchet up relevancy: New semantic search algorithms can decipher entire phrases, or long-tail keywords, to serve up the most relevant information to the user. Your mission should be to add greater relevancy to the content you produce.

Account for humans: Just because you rank No. 1 for a vanity search term like “personal injury lawyer” doesn’t mean the user always clicks on the No. 1-ranked website. Humans click on what is the most personally pertinent.

Consider keyword variables: Google now leverages a user’s location, search history, demographic data, time of day and other variables for keyword ranking.

Prioritize conversion: Put ranking in the background and start to prioritize conversion. Are conversion rates going up? How many of your law firm’s leads are qualified leads?

The new story of attorney SEO is get relevant to get more business. You can have tons traffic and top keyword ranking, but if the traffic is not geographically focused or your content isn’t helpful to the user, then it won’t convert.

Interested in learning more about how your law firm can convert more cases? Network Affiliates SEO strategists can show you how.  Give us a call today 303-817-7313.

Posted in SEO

Websites for Law Firms Must Convert Leads to Cases

Get your digital marketing up to date or risk losing new business.

Law firm web development is going mobile. Why? Because more than 50 percent of search traffic now comes from mobile devices, with Google reporting it currently gets more U.S.-based search queries via mobile devices like smartphones than it does from people searching on a PC.

If your legal website isn’t yet optimized for mobile use or updated to make on-the-go browsing easier for potential clients, your case load is probably falling short too.

This cultural shift of consumers preferring mobile search should be driving all facets of digital marketing for lawyers, but let’s start with your website.

Here are three ways Network Affiliates helps improve websites for law firms to make them more mobile-friendly—and better at generating cases.

Update: With Google’s newest algorithm update (which happened 90 days ago!), the search-engine giant now boosts the ranking of mobile-friendly pages on mobile search results. For a consumer that means it’s easier to find and read relevant search results without tapping or zooming. For an attorney that means your website better be optimized for mobile or competitors’ sites that are will quickly start to outrank yours. Check to see how mobile-friendly your current site is by simply typing in your URL right here.

Analyze: Once you start to review Google Analytics on the performance of your site, you’ll quickly grasp how and how many people get to your site and just what they do there. Remember, what’s critical is that potential clients stay on websites for lawyers long enough to gain the right insight to make a call or quickly understand how they can take action. Monitor your unique visitors and you might be amazed at how many people are actually seeing your law firm’s website—and, more importantly, how many of those could convert to cases.

Optimize: The next step is starting to leverage the presence you do have on the Web. If your website is not mobile-friendly enough, start there. If people are not staying on your site very long, consider how you can beef up original content and set your firm apart as a thought leader. If visitors are rarely converting to cases, add a call to action on each page and use tracking numbers to gain metrics on phone calls. Consider adding video to further engage visitors and help people make a more informed decision about choosing your firm.

Consumer behavior, namely searching on phones, is driving SEO. As such, it should also be driving digital marketing strategy for lawyers.

Not sure where you rank these days? Give us a call to find out where you stand 303-817-7313

Surprise, Law Firms Still Have to Advertise!

As the oldest-operating law firm advertising agency in the country, Network Affiliates has seen a thing or two in the industry. Namely: You can’t market like lawyers used to and still expect the phone to ring. These days, advertising for law firms has an entirely new set of operating instructions, and the best way to stay ahead of your competition and maximize ROI is to stay on top of attorney marketing trends. Here are three questions we answer all the time for legal clients:

I’m busy. Why do I have to advertise at all?

It sounds counterintuitive, but the time to advertise is when you are busiest and your firm is most lucrative. What often happens is lawyers get swamped with a couple of big cases and cut back on or cease all marketing and advertising as they ride the enticing wave of a large commission. However, that’s also the time they fall behind, as competitors continue to reach new prospects via TV advertising, communicate with existing clients through ongoing email marketing and hone their intake processes to harvest the better cases going forward. The point is if you let advertising slip, how do you guarantee new cases will come in the door after you’ve closed the ones you’re working on? Long-term survival requires thinking ahead, and attorney marketing is all about momentum—you have to keep it going to ensure a profitable flow of business in the future.

Can I afford to advertise?

Yes. In fact, we know that lawyers today are grossly underestimating what they can—and should—spend on marketing and advertising. American Lawyer 200 firms, for example, only devote about 2% of gross revenues to marketing efforts, which is on the bottom end of the spend long recommended by law firm management consultancies. To see real ROI, that number should be closer to 5%, and even more in the aggressive arena of personal injury law. The point is you can’t afford not to advertise. Start to build in marketing as a real line item—not an afterthought—in your law firm’s annual budget.

What’s the best way for me to advertise today?

The short answer: Develop a broader marketing mix. TV advertising continues to work exceptionally well for firms that can afford it, however what attorneys often overlook is power of digital advertising. Any full-service advertising company will tell you that having a digital strategy is critical to both supporting a TV campaign and building returns all on its own. In fact, social agency New Media Strategies found recently that trial law firms who have grasped the trend are now spending millions of dollars to create and maintain of websites, Facebook pages, Twitter handles, blogs and YouTube channels, and upwards of $50 million on Google-keyword advertising alone.

Wondering if you’re heading down the right path with your TV advertising and digital marketing? Give us a call for a complimentary consultation 1-888-461-1016.

The Best TV Ad Strategy for Your Money

A surgical approach to placing TV ad dollars. Why a creative, flexible strategy pays off in television legal advertising.

Evaluate your legal TV advertising spend and pretend you’re a doctor instead of an attorney. Why? Because a precise, surgical approach to placing your law firm television advertising in the right market at the right time will more than pay off in ROI.

It used to be that daytime ruled the airwaves. That time frame best maximized ad spends, because people were tuned in—something that agencies marketing for attorneys could track and demonstrate to clients in ROI-based results. However, times have changed, and daytime TV has become an overcrowded space for law firms. Especially in highly competitive markets, too many attorneys are targeting the same audience over and over, leaving little room for law firms to truly distinguish themselves from the competition – and find new audiences or clients!

The smartest, most calculated approach in the saturated law firm TV advertising market is simply to get more creative with ad placement time slots. For example, Network Affiliates’ skilled media strategists regularly help lawyers test targeted ad campaigns during off-peak hours, such as early in the morning, during the late news and on surprisingly popular Sunday nights. Some of these ad buys even come with free overnights. Are you getting yours? This methodology does require some trial and error, but then again, you’re lawyers—and you’re used to that, right? Often law firms find that their legal marketing message is better received and calls come in quicker as they move away from the daytime advertising swarms and focus on singular calls to action during specific times when a group of viewers is intently tuned into TV.

Here are the three general rules of thumb to follow to ensure you are getting the most out of your television advertising.

Step 1

The first step in choosing an ideal advertising time slot is surveying the competition. If equipped with the right (and expensive!) software, your advertising agency can pull this type of competitive analysis to help you make a smart and strategic plan of action for advertising placement. Not all agencies have access to the tracking tools and applications that show the length of ads, purchased time slots and every single one of your direct competitors’ commercials. However, that kind of big data can lead to big payoffs in terms of ROI. You might think of it like a game of chess: You’ve got to see the whole board to outwit your opponent and get one move ahead.

Step 2

The second part of strategic attorney television advertising placement is asking for what you want. And not just in your creative campaign. Your ad placement professional should know what questions to ask and how to negotiate a better ad buy to get your law firm more for its hard-earned money. We call that value! Television stations have all kinds of negotiating options up their sleeve, and only a few legal ad buyers know how to get the greatest added value for every ad placed.

Step 3

Lastly, to ensure that your targeted creative message, pinpointed time slot and added-value bonuses are actually paying off, you must track your advertising effectiveness—and adjust if necessary. The most successful attorney marketing strategies are nimble, aggressively monitored campaigns. Your agency must be meticulously tracking and openly reporting to your law firm on the success—and even failures—of ad placements. Adjusting and fine-tuning is just part of the process, an activity that your firm should be fully involved in.

Wondering how effective your ad strategy is? Why not call for a free, confidential consultation of your law firm’s TV advertising. 303-817-7313.

Are you maximizing the power of past clients?

Why referrals are the best cases that come into legal offices.

Ever met a lawyer who wouldn’t prefer more qualified cases? Thought not. The most valuable cases—both financially and professionally rewarding—come from referrals. Generally speaking, referred cases tend to have the lowest cost of acquisition and come with some helpful level of “prequalification” through a past client who knows your legal competence.

In fact, industry research shows that only about 25% of legal cases come from other attorneys. Did you just do the math? That means three-quarters of all legal referrals could be coming directly from your satisfied clients. Interestingly, even tempted by this potentially low-hanging fruit, we know that most lawyers don’t spend near enough time and effort maximizing their referral marketing programs.

Why? Well, it takes work and planning—and that requires someone’s valuable time. Past clients need to be reminded not only that your attorneys did a great job and created a favorable outcome in their cases, but in what areas your firm concentrates, what references would even make sense, and how to get leads to your office easily. Law practices that are doing referral marketing right are in front of past clients and constituents. They win cases, plain and simple because their attorneys are most top of mind when it matters.

Think you could be staying in touch with clients a little better? It’s not as hard as it seems.

Here are a few ways to start giving your referral marketing more TLC:

1. Build your database.

Start with the information you have on all past and current clients, and go from there. This will become routine if you build data collection right into your intake process, including capturing basic intelligence on anyone who contacts the firm. Don’t forget to ask (and track) who, if anyone, referred the person to your office when they do call.

2. Stay in touch.

You can’t rely on the fact that since you did good work for a past client he or she will remember you in the future. There are simply too many marketing messages and alternative options out there to rely on that sliver of hope. Instead, create a plan for communicating with former clients—email campaigns, direct mail, in-person networking, informational seminars—after a case is closed.

3. Respect every relationship.

Even if you cannot help an individual with specific legal matter today, doesn’t mean that person won’t turn to your attorneys next time they need advice. Remember, you could be paying up to $300 per lead. That’s a lot of money just to say no. Nurturing relationships, even currently unqualified referrals, will build your firm’s reputation—something that while it doesn’t have a dollar sign on it today could pay off big tomorrow.

4. Leverage TV views.

Television advertising remains a crucial part of the marketing mix for law practices around the country. Use this massive platform to leverage strong testimonials from past clients, and you’ll have a smarter way to tell the world exactly what kind of cases you want in the future. Better yet, combined this visual advertising with a strong database marketing plan to keep your firm squarely in front of past contacts—and potential cases. Remember, you have to be available to victims when they need you most.

Interested in learning more about leveraging past clients? Network Affiliates’ digital marketing experts can walk you through “Why referrals are the best cases that come into legal offices”.

The call is free and confidential. The advice is excellent and will help you capitalize on this opportunity. What are you waiting for? Call now: (888) 461-1016

If you don’t keep score, how will you win?

Why tracking your Google Analytics pays off.

By now law firms should know all about Google Analytics. Do You?
But what to do with those statistics on website performance? That’s a whole other story.

If this sounds like your office’s level of knowledge regarding your website, you’re not alone. Many law firms simply haven’t learned—or been taught about—how to read and leverage the numbers spit out by Google each month.

But ignorance is no longer an excuse. Laziness is not an option. These figures—free of charge to you—are really worth understanding, because they can dramatically impact how your website performs in the future, which can lead directly to new business you didn’t even know you were missing.

Remember, what you don’t know, you don’t know!

Likewise, prioritizing a wide-reaching TV campaign over your website is no longer acceptable. Your website should not only be the hub of your Firm—the platform for disseminating the information people need to know most—it should work in tandem with your TV efforts.

The point? You can no longer overlook this critical component of your legal marketing strategy.

Google Analytics 101

So what’s so great about tracking Google Analytics, anyway? Well, the search engine’s auto-generated statistics show both a big-picture view of how well your website is “performing,” as well as micro measurements that can provide helpful insight into how you can shift things to gain better traction on the Web.

Google Analytics gathers vast data on advertising campaign performance; audience characteristics and behavior; cross-device and cross-platform measurement; data capture; mobile applications; conversions; and more. It’s a tool worth getting to know better. Once you’re familiar reading the numbers, which are neatly broken down by category, you can very quickly glean information like:

Visitor type: Learn a user’s geographical location, dominant language, which browser they used, their screen resolution, whether they’re on a mobile device or desktop, etc.

Usage behavior: See how long users stay on your website, what pages they are visiting the most, which page is causing visitors to leave most often, how many pages an average user is viewing, etc.

Origination: How did the user find you—a search engine, popular social network, link from another website or direct type-in? Google Analytics also breaks down each traffic source, so you can focus on specific ones.

Content interaction: Gather knowledge about how users interact with your site’s content. For example, you can see how many users clicked on a specific link.

Timing: Find out what time of the day is the hottest for your website.

Google Analytics numbers are shockingly positive. Take a look: You might be surprised to learn just how many new people—called unique visitors—are actually coming to your law firm’s site.

Remember, anyone interested in doing even a quick background check might navigate to your home page, if even for a minute. Others might dig surprisingly deep on a blog post or attorney’s bio, for example. The details you can uncover are eye opening, and can help you adjust and re-target your marketing efforts.

So the question is no longer whether or not you’ve heard of Google Analytics. It’s how are you using this powerful resource to take marketing to the next level.

Google Analytics simply put, tells you exactly what is going on with your Website!

Anyone in this world that we live in that wants to know anything about you, looks you up online. Do not kid yourself by not engaging in this MUST DO part of today’s world.

Be honest with yourself and take responsibility for tracking all of your advertising. If your current agency is not pushing you to track your internet or the rest of your advertising activity and ROI, you should ask why.

The answer is they do not really know how to increase YOUR business.

Interested in learning more about making the most of this FREE online tool? Network Affiliates’ digital marketing experts can walk you through an introduction to tracking your Google Analytics.

The call is free and confidential. The advice is excellent and will help you capitalize on this opportunity. What are you waiting for? Call now: (888) 461-1016

Are you feeding your website what it needs ???

Your digital hub deserves devotion—right now, agree?

One of our attorneys logged 131,000 unique sessions last year. A session is defined as activity that a user with a unique IP address spends on a website during a specified period of time—and in web-speak that’s a lot of traffic.

But our client didn’t get stats like these by turning the other cheek; this law firm gave its website the attention and nurturing required in a constantly changing environment.

Perhaps this makes you wonder how effective your website is.

Technology has advanced in warp-speed. No longer is a slick, eye-catching website design and compelling content enough go live with pride. No one makes a move without consulting Google, and to make things more challenging, the search engine giant keeps changing how it ranks websites altogether.

Keywords used to be key. Now original content rules. We must weigh the importance of page titles, meta tags, URL structure, anchor text, image optimization, heading tags, crawlers and so much more. Search engine optimization (SEO) is an ever-moving target, but you have to have the know-how to take an accurate shot.

Today, law firms are tasked with monitoring all types of traffic stats and staying on top of industry changes. The overwhelming prospect often leads to lawyers to turning it all over to a digital marketing agency. Working with professionals whose jobs are dedicated to keeping up with digital shifts, while positioning websites in the smartest ways possible to drive people to them, can pay off in stress relief alone.

What do I give my attention to?

If your website is a year old, it’s already time to start thinking about a refresh, which should include design and content updates, but also strategic methods for leveraging the brand equity you’ve already built through your website. It’s time to let your web presence move front-and-center and treat it with the respect it deserves. After all, if it converts one big case, it has more than paid for itself.

Start by considering your own web habits. Think about how you use the Internet to look someone up, check a restaurant’s reputation or dig deeper on a topic. If what you heard about is not what checks out through a Google search, you quickly move on to the next person, the next dinner joint or the next topic.

Your legal website is no different. If your web presence isn’t better than the vehicle that drives people there, it may drive them away. If your firm’s website doesn’t pay off your TV commercial or even word of mouth, people will instantly move on to the next attorney.

The competition is fierce. If you don’t stay abreast of what’s happening in the digital marketplace, you might miss out on a new client, a lucrative case or a better chance to represent the brand you’ve worked so hard to establish. Look at things such as:

  1. The first impression your website really makes
  2. How you are driving people to your website
  3. What visitors do when they get there—and how much you’re actually giving them to do
  4. Analytics shows where your site is “off”—so you can fix those broken areas
  5. How (and how well) you’re converting the people who initiative unique sessions to begin with

So as you ponder your next web steps, start by treating your website more like your baby. Give it love, attention and respect. You’ve got to nurse it along to perfection.