6 Ways To Improve Cost Per Lead (CPL)

One important key performance indicator (KPI) for the success of any law practice is cost per lead, or CPL. Understanding how much lead generation costs your firm each month can quickly help reign in programs that aren’t delivering strong return on investment and hone your law firm marketing to deliver more clients to your door, without exorbitant costs.

Here are six ways to start improving your CPL today:

  1. Keep score. You can’t truly measure CPL unless you have an effective way of tracking specific leads, attaching them to expenditures and keeping a scorecard of what strategies are winning. Any online lead-gen application today comes with built-in analytics. Make sure you’re comparing data across marketing efforts—or find an expert who can help you interpret the numbers.
  1. Monitor consistently. Whether you think you’ve already landed on a new-case generation tool that works consistently well or you’re trying an entirely new strategy, monitoring these initiatives are critical. Check in regularly. What’s leading to the most new contacts? Which programs are converting at a higher rate? When are spikes occurring?
  1. Maintain brand consistency. That goes for all channels. If you are savvy about law firm digital marketing, you already know that your brand must touch people in a variety of ways—from the Internet, to social spheres, to interpersonal communications. Again, as you experiment with the most effective lead-generation tools, you might think of your legal brand as your “control.” Keep core brand attributes consistent, while tweaking messages for different audiences and platforms under that brand umbrella, so you can measure the value of response.
  1. Change one variable at a time. If you are pursuing multiple lead-generation pathways, try not to change too much at once, or your next step won’t be clear. Instead, pick the low-hanging fruit—for example, the most ineffective new-business developer—and start there. Like any experiment, you need to limit variables to effectively draw conclusions.
  1. Market to your database. We already know that the best—and most cost-effective—leads come from referrals by clients who already know your attorneys or have expressed satisfaction during or after a legal case. Don’t overlook the potential of your database to tighten up CPL. Not sure if you’re leveraging your catalog of past clients effectively? Ask your advertising agency to walk you through the newest customer relationship marketing platforms.
  1. Evaluate new marketing channels. The beauty of law firm marketing these days is it’s driven more than ever by technology. The innate flexibility of tech allows advertising agencies to constantly test new and existing lead-generation applications to help your law practice settle on what works best. We are no longer tied to a few marketing channels, but instead can explore attractive new opportunities as they come online.

If you think leads may be costing you more than they’re worth, give Network Affiliates’ law firm marketing pros a call to investigate your current lead-generation ROI. Call Network Affiliates now at (888) 461-1016!

What’s Your Plan to Cut Through the TV Advertising Clutter in 2016?

As you look to next year’s TV advertising strategy, there are promising new statistics that set the legal industry up for continued success on the airwaves. Television advertising is unprecedented in terms of volume and lawyers continue to thrive on the wide-reaching platform. In fact, it would be impossible for you to significantly grow your practice without this exposure.

A just-released Institute for Legal Reform report confirmed that in absolute dollar terms, legal ads continue to grow as a share of the entire television advertising marketplace. In fact with total annual spend projected at $892 million, legal services ranks No. 6 on the top 20 list of broadcast advertisers. That’s a 68 percent growth in the last eight years alone, outpacing all other ad spending during this time. In terms of local spots, legal services has doubled its share, and quadrupled its share of syndicated TV ads.

What do these numbers mean? Put broadly, TV advertising for lawyers still works. In addition to leveraging the diversity of network, cable, syndicated and spot television, top-advertising lawyers are honing in on more strategic ad buy positions in preferred dayparts and programs.

However with so many savvy legal practices continuing to communicate through the clearly recession-proof airwaves, how does your firm stand out, get ahead and ultimately acquire more cases in such a cluttered space? Get back to basics. Just in that attorney television advertising remains effective, so do many of the tried-and-true principles of strong brands, creative and marketing:

Dig into being different. Your firm isn’t the same as others on the airwaves. Why fall into the trap of mirroring what other attorneys are doing and thinking you’ll somehow stand out? Explore how you can portray your firm’s brand—and message to prospective clients—differently. Stealing creative concepts or simply trying to “shout” the same message louder than the competition won’t deliver the kinds of cases you really want.

Make your message resonate. In the same way that a different message might leave a distinct impression on the television audience, so will a commercial that resonates personally with potential victims. Try to talk to the public the way you would a jury; appeal to viewers through real-life stories; try an unexpected animation or other visually driven ad style to attract new eyeballs; and always make your message more about them—your clients—than your attorneys.

Watch other attorney ads. Competitive analysis is a smart place to start. Record TV commercials being aired by the rest of the legal advertisers in your market, as well as nationally, and have a viewing party with your advertising agency. Are the legal advertisements all the same, with monotonous messages about big money and big-name lawyers? If so, that’s your cue to do something out of the ordinary with your attorney television advertising. The opportunity is ripe to become the talk of the airwaves, and no one talks about commercials they can’t remember.

When they’re on our side statistics can be powerful motivators. Now’s the time to use the most recent reports on the sustained value of TV advertising for lawyers to make a name for your firm.

Need more ideas for turning up your TV advertising? Network Affiliates has in-house creative, production and media planning departments to handle all your TV advertising needs. Call (888) 461-1016 today!

Legal Marketing: Increase Referrals in our Digital World

One of the easiest—and perhaps most overlooked—ways to get new cases is to ramp up your referral strategy. It’s widely accepted that more new business comes from referrals than any other source, with the New York Times reporting that up to 65% may be garnered this way.

In marketing for law firms that means starting to understand how your attorneys can effectively talk to, incent and help satisfied clients share their experiences to bring in new cases. Nielsen has shown that people are four times more likely to “buy” when referred by a friend. Think of those friends—your former clients—as a gold mine waiting to be tapped.

One of the greatest benefits of legal referral-marketing strategy is it doesn’t have to cost a lot and can quickly pay for itself even after a single recommendation. The key is employing proven tactics to build momentum behind your referral campaign. Once rolling, it can take on a life of its own, making your obligation to new business development a lot lighter. Let’s touch on some ways to start prospecting for, communicating with and leveraging your existing clients in the short and long term.

Manage your relationships

One of the quickest ways to activate your database is to launch a focused customer relationship management (CRM) campaign. This legal marketing channel is typically anchored around regular email (eCRM) blasts to the addresses you’ve already collected when people come in for legal advice or contact your firm online.

Automated platforms make referral marketing simple. Remember, though, it’s imperative to make your content relevant and meaningful—not too salesy—and send an appropriate amount of digital communication, as not to inundate clients and turn them off to your attorneys altogether. Share news on an interesting mass tort, a big case with a positive community message or a new refer-a-friend program. Staying connected to prior clients is the only way to remain top of mind when friends ask for a legal referral.

Superior social sharing

Social platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn have exploded in the last few years, and there’s no better way to market your legal brand—the story of your practice, attorneys and successes—than to let former clients share it for you. As Network Affiliates’ social media strategist Emily Frickey touched on recently, the “power of viral” is undeniable: One of every 13 people on Earth is on Facebook, and in just the next 20 minutes, 1 million links will be shared on Facebook alone.

However, legal practices need to encourage people to share. A Texas Tech study showed that 83% of consumers are willing to refer after a positive experience—yet only 29% actually do. That means your office could benefit greatly from working with your advertising agency to design a social strategy now to covert that precious 54%.

Keys to social success include making the content you do produce easy to share with one click; encouraging personal story sharing through simple incentives or charitable campaign tie-ins; and quickly responding to both positive and negative reviews in a helpful and insightful way.

Want to take advantage of more legal marketing referral opportunities and leverage the people who already support you? We can help – call us today! (888) 461-1016

Legal Advertising Consultants Give You the Competitive Edge

Think back on the best coach in your life. It doesn’t have to be in sports. It could be any mentor who helped guide you and teach you things that not only applied to baseball or guitar or debate team tactics, but a broader understanding of why caring, commitment and creativity matter—in any activity.

An advertising coach is no different. These people are special, media-focused individuals—within a marketing and advertising agency—who have the right combination of experience, savvy and social skills to guide you along a path to making your firm successful. At Network Affiliates, our expert coaches have more than 439 combined years of industry experience. Our goal? To help you outsmart the competition and make your whole team of lawyers or legal employees shine.

“Coaching is an action, not a title and actions result in successes!” – Byron & Catherine Pulsifer

Download our Legal Marketing Best Practices Guide Now!

With all that experience in mind, here are some of the ways a savvy advertising coach can help you—every time you go to bat.

Leadership. Lawyers have no shortage of ideas, especially when it comes to legal advertising. But that doesn’t mean they’re always good ones or will be most effective in the marketplace. Having an experienced professional who is as knowledgeable about advertising as your attorneys are about law can provide ongoing leadership and direction, facilitating easier decision-making and saving the firm inordinate time, money and resources.

Cohesion. An action-oriented coach rallies the team to dig deep and win, or in some cases learn from a mistake or loss and give it another go. Likewise an advertising coach can help create more cohesion among lawyers with differing opinions, skill levels and playing prowess. Having an advertising consultant who is passionate about the “game” of marketing can lead your law firm to cooperating on more driven and focused advertising messages, strategy and execution.

Accountability. A proficient coach expects players to show up to every practice—on time and ready to work. So does a legal advertising coach. That translates to ensuring your legal TV ads, for example, are produced and disseminated properly—on time and on budget—and continuing to check in to make sure the marketing game plan is working the way it should. On the flipside, if creative misses the mark, your advertising coach should know when to pull the commercial, change the message or try a new formation.

These are just a few ways that having a marketing mentor by your side can help your firm—and your legal advertising—win in the end.

With 30+ years under our belt, Network Affiliates strongly believes in providing first-class coaching and guidance to all of our clients.

Wondering if you’re headed down the right path with your current advertising strategies? Let our advertising consultants help guide you. Give us a call for a FREE, confidential evaluation (888) 461-1016.

Stay top-of-mind when someone needs an attorney

Think of brands that stick in your mind most. There’s a good chance they’re ubiquitous names like Apple or Coca-Cola.

Clearly, these brands have big bucks to spend to create top-of-mind awareness (TOMA), but that doesn’t mean lawyers can’t do the same—for less. For example, social media marketing for lawyers is an avenue that is both cheap—and effective.

Being the turn-to attorney for a specific niche like personal injury or mass tort in your market is not about advertising one great idea and hoping it sticks in folks’ minds next time they need legal advice; it’s about reaching out regularly through a multi-pronged marketing approach.

Sure, a compelling creative message can jumpstart any legal advertising campaign, but what will really keep your law firm top-of-mind is consistency and repetition.

Here are some cornerstones of multi-media, multi-faceted marketing that will start creating TOMA for your law firm.


VISUAL: Broadcast

There’s no substitute for TV advertising. It still has the broadest reach with long-lasting visual impact.

However, even if you don’t have a Google-size media budget, marketing through this medium can still prove effective.

Your advertising agency can help you maximize your media budget with cost-effective creative, ad buys and channel placement.

TACTILE: Direct mail

A direct-to-door print campaign is still a solid strategy to support your global advertising efforts and offers a different, more tangible way to “touch” your audience.

However to work well direct mail needs to target past clients who can refer friends and family or zip codes and audiences proven to open and read mail regularly.

A strong call to action is also key to a results-driven direct-mail campaign.



This beast of a medium encompasses many prongs of the multi-pronged marketing strategy. There are so many touch points that work so well in today’s increasingly digital world. After all, during a typical day we interact with our screens often more than real people.

Key components of interactive include an email campaign, or eCRM (customer relationship management); content marketing; PPC/digital display and social media.

It’s worth calling out some ways that social media marketing for lawyers can work to stay top-of-mind, simply by engaging with followers and online communities.

Learn more with this five-step presentation by Network’s own Emily Frickey. (Or you can check out the slides that go along with this presentation from SlideShare here!)

IN-PERSON: Networking

In the legal industry, face-to-face networking is still paramount to building client relationships, trust and referrals. Therefore in-person networking will work to boost an existing marketing strategy.

Your lawyers will stay top-of-mind if they’re out in the community meeting people, attending conferences and sharing their expertise through speaking engagements.

Don’t get so caught up in ease of the Internet or the all-encompassing reach of TV that you forget the value of gaining new business by getting out on the streets.

To have a constant presence as the go-to law firm for representing the average person, you have to communicate with the average person—broadly, regularly and reliably. Get on TV. Get in their hands. Get to their social network. Get out of the office.

Wondering if you’re heading down the right path with your multi-pronged advertising initiatives? Let’s us help you stay top of mind. Give us a call for a complimentary consultation (888) 461-1016.

Do Not Waste Money on a .Law Domain Extension

As you may have heard, the .law domain extension became available to credentialed lawyers as of October 12th. There are a lot of front-end promises in terms of what buying a domain name with this extension can do for your web presence – and ultimately your SEO. Don’t believe those promises.

The newly-released .law domain extensions will not automatically rank higher than .com domains – plain and simple. Two years ago Matt Cutts, head of Google’s Webspam team, quickly dismissed the idea:

“Google has a lot of experience in returning relevant web pages, regardless of the top-level domain (TLD). Google will attempt to rank new TLDs appropriately, but I don’t expect a new TLD to get any kind of initial preference over .com, and I wouldn’t bet on that happening in the long-term either. If you want to register an entirely new TLD for other reasons, that’s your choice, but you shouldn’t register a TLD in the mistaken belief that you’ll get some sort of boost in search engine rankings.”

When it comes to advancing SEO efforts, consumers become easy targets because we’re all looking for that “silver bullet”. The truth is credibility and domain authority can only be built with a strategic approach and quality content over time.

If there is one reason to buy a .law domain name, it would be for a vanity campaign. However, before doing so, make sure to research other relevant .com vanity domains. Depending on your geographical area or area of practice, many are still available.

Here’s an example: DenverInjury.law 

The only value (if any) would be to use this domain only for vanity campaign purposes (namely in TV advertising). However, a better and move valuable domain would be DenverInjuryLawyer.com.

The bottom line is: don’t be suckered into this. There are many, far more valuable things you can do for your web presence and SEO. Focus on what’s important – building credibility, generating quality content, establishing domain authority – ‘silver bullet’ promises. They don’t exist.

Not sure where you rank these days? Our SEO experts are happy to give you a FREE and confidential evaluation of your current web presence. Give us a call to find out where you stand 888.461.1016.

Why Afterhours Calls Matter in Legal Advertising

Want to know an easy way to boost your case conversion? Get better than the competition at handling afterhours calls. Intake after hours is one of the most significant growth areas for improving your law firm’s bottom line—without spending more money.

While this sounds like a simple fix, there’s strategy involved in truly dialing in your attorney answering service. But this critical form of intake can also very quickly separate you from other law firms—if you do it well.

Here’s how:

Change your expectations. Advances in technology and consumer expectations means people anticipate more from an attorney answering service. If potential clients’ needs aren’t met immediately in an intelligent and pleasant manner, there’s a strong chance they’ll just hang up. Think about your own frustrations with waiting on hold or not getting useful answers when calling about a product or service. Lawyers should expect that people increasingly expect more than an answering service can provide.

Pick the right answering service. Before hiring any answering service, ask a lot of questions. Visit the call center or office. Invest time in finding out how this service will report to you. Most importantly, talk to your legal advertising agency about best practices and how your marketing partner plans to incorporate call tracking and leverage analytics to better target your advertising efforts.

Record your calls. These days, this practice really goes without saying: You can’t act on data you don’t have. So be sure  your firm’s calls are clearly recorded and tracked. You’ll be impressed by what you can learn about your prospective clients just from the messages they leave with your answering service.

Know your drop call rate. Not sure what this is? Get up to speed today. Dropped calls are calls that are put on hold that eventually lead to a prospect hanging up. Uncover your true drop call rate—hang-ups that are never accounted for. It’s possible that a simple change in initial messaging, hold music, or tone could help keep people (legal cases!) on the line longer.

“Secret shop” your service. Have you ever tested or secret shopped your current answering service? Calling your own firm’s answering service at least once a month can lead to rich insight about what’s working best. Better yet, have a friend outside the legal industry call your firm after hours. Prepare a questionnaire for your secret shopper regarding voice tone, ring length, messaging, hold times, and other key qualitative and quantitative feedback that could help your law firm improve performance.

Remember, what happens when your law office closes shouldn’t stay behind closed doors. Keeping the lines of communication open around your answering service practices is a helpful way to enhance your intake—and convert more callers to cases.

Need more insight on how to improve your afterhours intake procedures? Network Affiliates has been helping lawyers tap the smartest ROI-propelled advertising and marketing strategies since 1981. Call (888) 461-1016 today!

When to Expect ROI in the Legal Marketing and Advertising Lifecycle

Legal marketing and advertising strategies are increasingly pinned to return on investment.

Why? Because advertising consultants now have better metrics to track marketing for law firms, from specialized call-tracking methods to actionable Google Analytics on Web-based advertising campaigns.

Seeing a return on your investment in advertising depends on several things, such as: your new campaign creative, the mix of marketing tactics being used and how integrated your legal advertising strategy is, among other considerations.

Creating true cash-flow momentum takes planning—and patience.

Typically, an attorney or law firm can expect to start seeing significant ROI in between 6 and 18 months. This equates to the length of time it takes for a typical auto accident case to settle, for example. If the case goes to trial, you can expect to see a return in more like 18 to 36 months.

However, in an area like workers’ compensation, temporary disability payments can start in as little as one month. However, permanent disability payments take much longer and typically require the assistance of a lawyer or law firm to negotiate with the employer and workers’ compensation insurance provider. Obtaining a resolution in a social security disability case usually take between 12 to 24 months.

You get the point. Marketing leads in legal advertising are ultimately tied to cases, and getting more in the pipeline will work to create a steady stream of clients—and ROI.

Most lawyers like to see how this might play out for each aspect of a marketing initiative, and a qualified advertising consultant can show you how each effort can tie back to ROI. Additionally, an agency with deep history and interest in the legal profession will understand the case life cycle and plan a smart marketing strategy around that cyclical process.

Likewise, the ability to shift strategies, especially with flexible Web-based “test” campaigns, helps your law firm try a specialized social campaign, for example, or a PPC-driven effort to adapt and adjust for variations such as seasonal fluctuations, expansions in the firm’s legal capabilities or mass tort campaigns.

Interested in running the numbers on the effectiveness of your current marketing mix? Call Network Affiliates’ expert legal advertising consultants to understand the potential of your advertising ROI — (888) 461-1016!

TV Advertising for Law Firms: Attracting a More Valuable Case

The cost to ask for a low-end case is the same as a high-end case. However their values are vastly different.

Law firms around the country pay top dollar for TV commercials that all essentially say the same thing: Call us now. This generic plea for copious leads is just that: a solicitation for potentially unqualified inquires.

What if you could turn a commercial into a high-quality case simply by changing your attorney marketing strategy? How about surveying the local and national competition to see how your firm can say things differently—to make your message stand out—without paying more for creative?

That’s just the start of smart TV advertising for law firms. You’d be amazed by what you can get when you ask for what you really want—better paying, higher quality cases; happier clients; and stronger, more profitable referrals.

Here are three places to start:

Platform: What is your TV commercial standing on, anyway? Is TV just a highly visible platform for one-upping the competition with more “bragging rights” about big settlements or hotshot attorneys in effort to attract new clients? We’d argue that your platform ought to stand on its own by using brand messaging to tell your law firm’s story in a way that’s relevant to clients’ biggest concerns, which are inevitably about them—not you. How do your attorneys stand out in the area of client service and representation? Why is your approach to law different—and better—than your peers? How can you draw in prospective clients using emotion and empathy? What’s a real-world example of how your lawyers solved an actual legal issue for a client? Show it!

Production: You might be surprised at how far television production quality has come. Thanks to advancements in video technology and digital editing tools, professional-looking TV commercials are easier than ever to craft—and afford. If you haven’t considered how the quality of your TV ad might be impacting the quality of the cases you’re getting, think again. Production can’t be overlooked in today’s competitive legal landscape. Make sure your advertising agency is giving you all the visual and audio upgrades your newly distinguished messaging platform deserves. After that, it’s all about how your video and commercial assets consistently measure up to and pay off every part of your comprehensive marketing strategy—your brand platform, your website presence, your digital campaign, even a client’s in-office experience.

Placement: Now that your law firm’s TV advertising looks like it plays in the national space, make sure that you outfox other firms by reaching prospective clients in creative ways, at inventive times, away from the clutter of competition. While new messaging will give you an immediate advantage against the generic legal ads droning on TV today, placing your commercials in highly targeted ways could garner even greater response. Talk to your media buyer about new times, stations and strategies for getting your ad out to more—and ideally new previously untapped audiences. Sometimes simply showing up where others are not can make your law firm win in the race to be top of mind.

Need more ideas for turning up your TV advertising? Network Affiliates has in-house creative, production and media planning departments to handle all your TV advertising needs. Call (888) 461-1016 today!

Attorney Email Marketing: If You’re Reading This, It’s Working!

It makes sense that database marketing—or digital campaigns targeting the email addresses of people who have already worked with or have shown interest in your law firm—works well: it’s effective and inexpensive.

Over 90% of the planet’s more than 2.5 billion email users check their inbox at least daily. That alone gives you a strong open-rate opportunity. Plus, database marketing for lawyers is downright cheap. You’ve already surveyed your clients for feedback and current contact information. It costs next to nothing to maintain those relationships by reaching out once or twice a month with a short email message, or even weekly if you have the bandwidth and something relevant to say.

Converting content to cases

However, to recognize true ROI, attorney email marketing has to convert “readers” to cases, right? Your database is invaluable because when tapped correctly it’s a steady source of referrals, and law firms know better than any professional that direct referrals typically lead to the most qualified cases.

Email marketing campaigns have become more sophisticated. Just staying top of mind by keeping in touch with past clients, it not enough. The legal industry must build on the special kind of relationships that only lawyers have with their clients. The most lucrative email marketing for law firms use quality, “sharable” content that’s highly relevant, informative and downright interesting to past clients, which means you can’t just slap it together.

Here are a few ideas for boosting your database marketing.

Use video. Be compelling. Start by sprinkling in one video a quarter in your attorney email marketing. It’s one more way to quickly engage your database while adding variety and freshness to your campaign (and website, where you can showcase it later).

Pay a pro. Content is king. Lawyers are typically too busy to write compelling content. Hire a writer who knows law or knows how to interview your attorneys to tell a story your database wants to hear.

Survey the competition. Stay ahead of the curve. Have your marketing agency gather competing legal email blasts, blogs and digital content examples that your team finds helpful and pertinent. Reinvent that style, tone and approach to suit your own firm and clientele.

Make it mobile. And, make it responsive. Increasingly your database members, like the rest of the world, are opening and reading email blasts on their smartphones. Be sure to check that your campaign is fully optimized for easy reading on the fly.  Not sure if your email template and/or website is responsive? Call me to find out (303) 817-7313!

Need more insight on how to improve your database marketing?

We would be happy to do a FREE and confidential evaluation of your advertising. Network Affiliates has been in the legal marketing game since 1981, currently representing over 90 Law Firms around the country. Contact us to see if your market is available.