Digital vs. Traditional Marketing: What’s Right for Your Practice?

If traditional marketing has performed well for you in the past, why go digital? Or, if you’re already in the digital space, why spend more money on traditional marketing?

Here’s a quick look at both to help you decide.

Traditional Marketing

Traditional marketing (or outbound marketing) has a long history; it’s well-researched, and proven to get a message in front of a large, attentive audience.

Traditional marketing includes virtually all advertising before the internet: TV advertising, direct mail, billboards, print, radio, you name it.

Think of traditional marketing as a large paintbrush: it covers a lot quickly but can lack important detail.

Traditional marketing works. Data shows that television and radio advertising are still top performers. It continues to be a primary source of lead generation for nearly every business in every conceivable industry, and there’s still no better way to build brand recognition.

But in the digital age, can you ignore the efficacy of digital marketing?

Digital Marketing

If traditional marketing is your large brush, digital marketing lets you create fine brush strokes.

Digital marketing can target an audience with near granular precision, taking into account several parameters simultaneously (e.g., age, interest, location, etc.).

Digital marketing includes a range of online approaches: website design, search engine optimization (SEO), written and video content, the list goes on and on.

More importantly, digital marketing allows your practice to nurture relationships with prospective, current, and former patients. And what’s more important than building relationships with the people you serve?

Social media marketing, for example, maximizes the best-known marketing tool: word of mouth. And these days, few things are more trusted than a personal recommendation.

Finally, digital marketing capitalizes on interest, especially, using various tools to drive prospects to your digital doorstep.

However, there are trillions of doors in the digital landscape. But with effective digital marketing, you can be sure the right user gets to the right door at the right time.

Get the Best of Both Worlds

If you’ve already enjoyed success with traditional marketing, don’t abandon what you’re doing for a digital-only plan. Traditional methods work, but you wouldn’t believe how much more effective those efforts can be combined with digital marketing.

And if you’re already in the digital space, why not boost your web traffic and analytics with a TV branding campaign?

Combining traditional with digital guarantees your practice is making the most of its marketing dollars. Working with an experienced legal marketing agency ensures the right combination.

What does your mix look like? Let’s find out! A quick phone call can get the ball rolling today. Call 888-461-1016, or contact Network Affiliates online, and we’ll get in touch with you.