One voice heard by many

In the world of legal advertising, your message speaks volumes.

The messaging we share in legal advertising isn’t just about the words; it’s about forming an emotional connection and really impacting people in their heart, mind, and soul.

Here’s why diversity in messaging is crucial:

  • Reflecting Your Diverse Community: Your demographic is rich and varied, and so are the fears and challenges they face. By embracing diversity in your messaging, you ensure that everyone feels seen, heard, and represented.
  • Empathy and Understanding: There’s a big difference between speaking at your audience and speaking to or with your audience. Speaking to different demos in the manner that moves each of them uniquely is critical.
  • Building Trust: Trust is at the heart of every successful attorney-client relationship and that starts long before they ever need you or call you. When what you say puts the clients’ interests first, it shows that you are genuinely interested in serving the varied needs of people in your community.

In today’s media saturated environment, you need to stand out to the people who need you now and those who may need you in the future. It’s important that you are educated in the depth and breadth of the types of people you serve. And you need different messaging to meet them where they are.

If you are interested in exploring how Network Affiliates can help you really connect with your diverse audience, give us a call. This is definitely our “jam”!

Network Affiliates… Our Network. Your Move.

Reinforcing Your Brand Series #5 – Testimonials

When it comes to legal advertising, the stakes are high, and the competition is fierce. Clients seeking legal help are often facing some of the most critical and stressful moments of their lives. In such a climate, trust is non-negotiable. That’s where authentic testimonials step into the spotlight, and their importance cannot be overstated.

  • Testimonials provide an exceptional, authentic, “real” connection to you and your firm.  They give audiences a chance to see themselves in your client base, which ultimately makes you more relevant to their needs. It’s referred to in the industry as “social proof.” Think of it as… “if it worked for him, it will work for me.”
  • Testimonials demonstrate to your audience that you’ve not only handled cases like theirs but have also delivered results that have left clients very satisfied. They offer the validation that your claims are more than mere words; they’re backed by real-world results.
  • Testimonials can humanize you and your firm. They showcase the compassionate, understanding, and competent side of your team. When clients share their stories and emotions, it helps break down the barriers, making your firm more approachable and relatable.
  • Testimonials, particularly when they convey the emotional journey of a client—from despair to relief, from confusion to clarity—forge an emotional connection with your audience. It shows that your firm understands not just the legal intricacies but the human aspects of the cases.
  • As a result of the connection that testimonials provide, we’ve seen increases in call volume and improved conversion rates.

If you’d like to know more about how Network Affiliates has mastered the art of Testimonials, give us a call at 800-525-3332 and ask for Tammy Kehe! We’d also like to invite you to see some of our very own client testimonials. Please click here. Network Affiliates… where collaboration and creativity redefine legal advertising.

Reinforcing Your Brand Series #4 – A Local Focus

The campaigns in our vast creative collection are not meant to be used instead of campaigns unique to your firm, but to compliment and reinforce your brand and your messaging with the highest production value in your market. It’s your secret weapon and competitive advantage, so use it! Unique custom production opportunities are priceless!

  • Talking about your local connections builds trust and familiarity with your audience. If they feel like they already have an ally, they are more likely to choose you when they need help.
  • Your firm becomes more relevant to them. Audiences may not understand that there are state laws at play. An “I’m Local – living and working in this community every day” approach gives you the chance to tell them that you have a deep and personal knowledge of the state laws, the people, and what’s at risk when they’ve been injured.
  • Local-centric campaigns also give you an advantage when going up against out-of-state or out-of-market firms. They are a great opportunity to reinforce that your audience is more than a number…
  • And, locally focused commercials give you an opportunity to show audiences you provide personalized care and one-of-a-kind service and take pride in protecting and representing the people in your community every day. 

Let Network Affiliates help you stand out and stand up for your market. To learn more about how we can help elevate your brand and leverage all the things that make your firm unique, give us a call at  800-525-3332 and ask for Tammy Kehe!

Network Affiliates… where collaboration and creativity redefine legal advertising.

Reinforcing Your Brand Series #3 – Campaigns that Teach Us

It’s important you also provide learning opportunities for your audiences. Many people have never needed a lawyer and wouldn’t have the faintest idea of what to expect or how to go about getting help. You don’t need to tell them how much you care and are there to help. You need to show them. When you teach someone something that will help them protect themselves and the people they care about, you position yourself as a trusted resource and ally.

  • With humor and drama, you’ve got the emotional appeal covered. Informational ampaigns are important because they have a rational appeal, rounding out your audience reach.
  • They let future clients know that you are exceptionally knowledgeable,
    transparent and genuinely committed to protecting their interests.
  • Informational campaigns give you the chance to reveal all the features, benefits and unique selling points of your practice, such as your experience, results and dedication to customer service highlights. Your “Because”….so to speak.
  • And finally, they go a long way to preemptively establishing a sense of trust in you that makes it more likely that an accident victim will remember to call you when they need you. Let Network Affiliates be your trusted business ally. To learn more about how we can help elevate your brand and drive attention to your firm, give us a call at 800-525-3332 and ask for Tammy Kehe! Network Affiliates… where collaboration and creativity redefine legal advertising.

Reinforcing Your Brand Series #2 – Campaigns That Move Us

The world of legal advertising is often synonymous with facts, figures, and fine print. But it can be so much more than that! To capture your audience’s attention, it’s critical that you include messaging that captivates, engages, and leaves a lasting impression on your audience. Using dramatic elements can help you do just that.

  • Commercials that are dramatic engage viewers by tapping into emotions such as empathy, tension and excitement, making your brand more memorable.
  • Drama allows for a unique kind of storytelling and narrative arc which can immediately capture people’s attention and investment in what they’re seeing.
  • Because of this storytelling structure of conflict and resolution, audiences are more likely to stick with the commercial to see how the messaging resolves itself. In this context, that would be hearing from you.
  • Studies show that emotional connections can lead to a deeper understanding of the message. When you resolve the drama at the end of the commercial, viewers see you as a problem solver in their minds.
  • When we create longer format dramatic pieces there is an additional opportunity for exposure, such as through sharing the full stories on your website and parsing out the story via social media.

When we create dramatic campaigns, we walk a very tight rope, and there’s a fine line that we are very careful not to cross. This is another reason why we keep reinforcing that a well-rounded, strategic creative approach is essential. Executed with thoughtfulness and inclusiveness, your advertising strategy will educate, inspire, and touch the very core of all human emotions.

Let Network Affiliates’ targeted results captivate you! Give us a call at 800-525-3332 and ask for Tammy Kehe! Network Affiliates… where collaboration and creativity redefine legal advertising.

Let the nominations begin!

As we begin prepping for our Spring 2024 client meeting, we turn our attention
to… drum roll please…The NetAffies! As a reminder, The NetAffies are own very own
version of the Oscars. We gather up the “best of the best” campaigns submitted by each
of our clients, we give them a grand showing at our private client meeting and then each
attendee votes for their favorites.

With so much amazing creativity and client collaboration, the field will be tight this year.
And that’s the way we like it! Just like last year, dazzling trophies and generous prizes
will be awarded. Here are photos of last year’s winners; Carr & Carr, Aaron Sachs &
Associates and Colombo Law.

The NetAffies are a fun way for our clients to share their successes and receive some
well-earned recognition amongst their peers. While not everyone gets a trophy,
everyone’s a winner at NetAff!

Network Affiliates… where collaboration and creativity redefine legal advertising.

Behind the Scenes with Dino Colombo

Puppies, Babies, and Ugly Christmas Sweaters”– not your typical trial lawyer’s
day at work! Our production day with Dino Colombo, his son Nathan, also a trial lawyer,
and attorney Travis Mohler was a blast! Together, we’re creating unique advertising
campaigns, building the Colombo Law brand and awareness like no other! Oh, the
stories we could tell!

You may wonder why we occasionally post pictures from “behind the scenes”. At Netaff,
we’re incredibly proud of the relationships we have with our clients. These commercial
shoot days may be long and arduous, but we have a lot of fun along the way, and the
end-product is unparalleled. We will do everything we can to make sure you’re as
comfortable, relaxed and feeling as confident as possible. And… for those of you who
request a little extra performance coaching, we can provide that too! Before you know it,
you’ll be taking home your own NetAffie!

Great performances may take time, but, with the NetAff family, you will most definitely
have a blast along the way.

Netaff: where collaboration and creativity redefine legal advertising.”

Reinforcing Your Brand Series #1 – Campaigns That Make Us Laugh

Legal advertising is often perceived as a serious and somber realm, where
weighty matters of the law take center stage. While the gravity of these issues should
never be undermined, there’s a compelling case to be made for infusing a touch of
humor into your overarching creative strategy in this otherwise firm advertising

  • Societal experts agree that one of the things that truly connects us as human
    beings is laughter.
  • Emotional reactions such as smiling or laughing releases endorphins, creating
    a positive association with what we just experienced.
  • Humor is an attention grabber in a crowded advertising landscape, whether
    that’s on-air or online.
  • It allows for enhanced message recall.
  • Humor triggers an effective response. When people find an ad funny, they
    experience positive feelings, leading to a favorable attitude towards the brand.
  • Amusing commercials are up to 80% more likely to be shared either by word of
    mouth or social media, creating a greater impact.
  • Because humor in legal advertising is unexpected, the impact tends to be more
    The emotional connection triggered by a gentle smile or hint of amusement between
    brand and viewer is exactly what you want to achieve!
    Let Network Affiliates’ targeted results bring a smile to your face. Give us a call at
    800-525-3332 and ask for Tammy Kehe!
    Network Affiliates… where collaboration and creativity redefine legal advertising.

Shoot… that was fun!

According to Scientific America, the average person typically uses about 16,000 words
a day. Add timed scripts, scheduling constraints, travel fatigue and glaring lights to your
day and at least some of those 16,000 words occasionally come out a little
gollywampus. Here is a quick video showing some endearing bloopers from our last few
months of shooting. Notice how many NetAff employees are in there? Yeah. It happens
to us too. And a big shout out to our featured clients for being such good sports!

Connecting your marketing efforts into a single mission

On November 3rd, the world unites to celebrate One Health Day. It is a day
dedicated to acknowledging the profound connections between health disciplines
affecting humans, animals, and the environment.

But you might be wondering, how does One Health Day relate to the world of legal
advertising? Here’s how:

Shared Values: One Health Day reminds us that our shared environment has a
profound impact on human health. Resolute and devoted lawyers and law firms
recognize the interconnectedness of their marketing, creative and brand promise to their
audience. A consistent voice builds trust and authority in the eyes of your audience. If
your message is all over the place, you weaken your position.

Ethics: Just as One Health Day highlights global connectedness, lawyers must
consistently demonstrate that they will ethically and responsibly represent their clients,
aligning their brand with their core principles.

Advocacy: Personal injury law firms play a pivotal role in advocating for justice and
equity for clients who have been injured through no fault of their own. Whether through
television, billboards, digital media, social media, or direct community involvement, all
points should lead to the singular message that you are the lawyer to choose for help. A
diversity of approaches is vital, if the messaging has meaning to the audience you are
trying to reach.

Every step you take in your marketing strategy is part of an intricate web of information
and support that advertising weaves for your brand. Whatever you define your brand
voice to be, do your marketing strategies and messaging fulfill that mission? Legal
advertising and its incumbent messaging aren’t just about promoting a brand; it is about
creating a network of support, understanding, and justice for your clients no matter
where they find you.

Network Affiliates… Our Network. Your Move.